Multiboard Foundational Update

17th May, 2024

Improved Mid-Thread Grip Strength

We’ve redesigned the Mid Threads and Push-Fit Holes to improve grip strength.

(And don’t worry - the new threads are still compatible with the old threads)

For best results, use the new threads with new push-fit holes. The new thread with the old push-fit hole is still better than the old thread with the old push-fit hole.

The parts that have been updated with the new thread include:

  • All Mid Thread Bolts and T-Bolts.

  • Screw-In Cap, Screw-In Fasteners, Mid Thread Nuts and Washers.

  • Anything that has a Snap (like the DS Snaps, weight-bearing Snap, etc.).

  • All the Multigrid Bins and Base Plates.

  • All the honeycomb cross-compatible Snaps and Bolts.

  • The Remixing Parts

New “Bolt-Lock Mounts”

We’re releasing an additional mounting system that allows you to “push-fit“ your Tiles (or connected Tiles) on a mount and secure it using bolts.

This makes the entire board (or sections of your board) much easier to remove.

Now we AREN’T getting rid of the standard DS Offsets, these offsets are still great for semi-permanent Multiboard installations.

But if you particularly want flexible and removable Tiles, and are okay with the disadvantages mentioned below, then consider using this mounting option.

Single Bolt-Lock Mount

Dual Bolt-Lock Mount

Quad Bolt-Lock Mount

How to set it up

First, screw the Bolt-Lock Mounts onto your surface with the help of the Installation Tool. The more accurate the holes, the better the Tiles will fit.

Then interconnect your Tiles using DS Snap Connectors (Part A & Part B) (And I’ll talk about why in a second)

Then “push fit” your board onto the Mounts.

And finally, secure your tiles to the mounts using 13 mm Small Thread Bolts.

Single Adhesive Mounts - DS Part A


Command Strip | VHB Tape

Dual Adhesive Mounts - DS Part A


Command Strip | VHB Tape

Why DS Snaps?

The Bolt-Lock Mounts are designed to be used with DS Snap Connectors because if you are going to be removing Boards, you don’t want them to be flimsy.

You can still connect your Tiles together using Regular Snap Connectors, but you will also NEED to use Bolt-Lock Mount Washers to keep the 8 mm offset.

So to sum it up, here are the Pros and Cons:

  • Pros:

    • Easy to remove tiles.

    • Easy to remove entire boards.

  • Cons:

    • Needs to be 'bolt-locked'.

    • Needs more screws to the wall.

    • Requires DS Snaps (or spacer washer).

    • Bolts occupy the space of the Snaps.

Adhesive Mounts Update

New VHB Tape Mount

Before, the only type of adhesive mount we had was Command Strips, now we also have a version that works well with VHB Tape.

Trio Adhesive Mounts - DS Part A


Command Strip | VHB Tape

New “Adhesive Tape - Bolt-Lock Mounts”

Before, the adhesive mounts only had DS Snaps that connected to the Tiles, now there’s are bolt-lock mount versions for both Command Strips and VHB Tape.

Single Adhesive Mounts - Bolt-Lock


Command Strip | VHB Tape

Dual Adhesive Mounts - Bolt-Lock


Command Strip | VHB Tape

Trio Adhesive Mounts - Bolt-Lock


Command Strip | VHB Tape

Design Status Update

The Multiboard Design Status indicates which parts are still in development and which parts are more “locked in” and likely won’t change.

We’re pretty happy with the small thread, mid thread, and big thread, so we’ve added them to the “Late Beta” stage. We’ve also locked-in the tiles, meaning they aren’t going to be changed in the future.

Early Beta

These parts are freshly released and have only undergone rigorous internal testing, but we are unaware of the issues that could arise when hundreds of people start using them.

Most parts will remain in early beta for 2-5 months.

We recommend you don't remix early beta parts, as they are likely to receive compatibility-breaking updates.

Late beta

These parts won’t have any major updates and we aim to maintain compatibility with them. But this doesn't rule out the possibility of adding new features to enhance the parts.

Parts remain in late beta until they feel fully developed, this could be up to a year.


These parts are essentially set for the foreseeable future of Multiboard. We'll only make changes if we discover a critical design flaw

Multigrid Bins Revamp

Bin Stacking Pins

Use “Stacking Pins” to stack and lock Multigrid Bins or Bin Extensions to each other. There is an internal and external version.

External Bin Stacking Pin


Internal Bin Stacking Pin


Other Multigrid Changes:

  • Fixing Bin Extension tolerances: The Extensions had the wrong tolerances.

  • Upgrading the Internal Rims: The internal Rims of all Bins and Bin Extensions has been updated to accommodate updates that are happening in the future.

  • Updated Mid Threads: The new, stronger Mid Threads have also been added to the “thread base” Bins.

  • More Multigrid Updates Coming: Before you go and print a tone of Bins, keep in mind that they are still in development and will probably get updated again in the future.